240+ Hebrew Baby Names with Meanings That You'll Absolutely Love

Looking for the perfect Hebrew baby name? Whether you’re expecting a girl, boy, or seeking a gender-neutral option, our blog has it all.
This blog is designed with Israeli, Hebrew, and Jewish families in mind, we offer a diverse selection of popular, unique, cute, beautiful, and old-fashioned Hebrew names, along with some colorful suggestions.
Find your perfect Hebrew name right here. Scroll through to discover the ideal name for your little one!
Table of Contents
Hebrew Baby Girl Names
Most Popular Baby Girl Names in Israel

Discover the most popular baby girl names in Israel, complete with their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Abigail (אֲבִיגַיִל)
- Pronunciation: ah-vee-GAI-yil
- Meaning: Father’s Joy
- Adina (עֲדִינָה)
- Pronunciation: ah-dee-NAH
- Meaning: Gentle, Delicate
- Ariel (אֲרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: ah-ree-EL
- Meaning: Lion of God
- Avigail (אֲבִיגַיִל)
- Pronunciation: ah-vee-GAI-yil
- Meaning: Father’s Joy
- Aviva (אֲבִיבָה)
- Pronunciation: ah-vee-VAH
- Meaning: Springlike, Fresh
- Batya (בַּתְיָה)
- Pronunciation: baht-YAH
- Meaning: Daughter of God
- Chaya (חַיָּה)
- Pronunciation: khah-YAH
- Meaning: Life
- Dalia (דַּלְיָה)
- Pronunciation: dal-YAH
- Meaning: Branch, Bough
- Eliana (אֶלִיעַנָה)
- Pronunciation: el-ee-AH-nah
- Meaning: My God has Answered
- Gabriella (גַּבְרִיאֵלָה)
- Pronunciation: gah-vree-EL-ah
- Meaning: God is My Strength
- Hadassah (הֲדַסָּה)
- Pronunciation: hah-dah-SAH
- Meaning: Myrtle Tree
- Inbar (עִנְבָּר)
- Pronunciation: een-BAHR
- Meaning: Amber
- Judith (יְהוּדִית)
- Pronunciation: yeh-hoo-DEET
- Meaning: Woman of Judea
- Keren (קֶרֶן)
- Pronunciation: keh-REN
- Meaning: Horn, Ray
- Liora (לִיאוֹרָה)
- Pronunciation: lee-oh-RAH
- Meaning: My Light
- Maya (מַאיָּה)
- Pronunciation: mah-yah
- Meaning: Water
- Noa (נוֹעָה)
- Pronunciation: no-AH
- Meaning: Movement, Motion
- Odelia (עֹדֵלְיָה)
- Pronunciation: oh-dehl-YAH
- Meaning: Thanks to God
- Ofra (עָפְרָה)
- Pronunciation: ohf-RAH
- Meaning: Fawn
- Sarah (שָׂרָה)
- Pronunciation: sah-RAH
- Meaning: Princess
- Shoshana (שׁוֹשַׁנָּה)
- Pronunciation: sho-SHAH-nah
- Meaning: Lily
- Talia (טַלְיָה)
- Pronunciation: tal-YAH
- Meaning: Dew from God
- Yona (יוֹנָה)
- Pronunciation: yo-NAH
- Meaning: Dove
- Zara (זָרָה)
- Pronunciation: zah-RAH
- Meaning: Princess, Flower
- Ziva (זִיוָה)
- Pronunciation: zee-VAH
- Meaning: Radiance, Brightness
Discover More: 250+ Most Common Hebrew Names with Meanings
Unique Hebrew Baby Girl Names

Discover some unique Hebrew names for baby girls, including their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Ahava (אַהֲבָה)
- Pronunciation: ah-hah-VAH
- Meaning: Love
- Atarah (עֲטָרָה)
- Pronunciation: ah-tah-RAH
- Meaning: Crown
- Aviya (אֲבִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: ah-vee-YAH
- Meaning: God is my Father
- Breina (בְּרֵינָה)
- Pronunciation: bray-EE-nah
- Meaning: Blessing
- Dinah (דִּינָה)
- Pronunciation: dee-NAH
- Meaning: Judgment, Vindicated
- Eilat (אֵילַת)
- Pronunciation: ay-LAHT
- Meaning: Oak Tree
- Eliya (אֵלִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: eh-lee-YAH
- Meaning: My God is Yahweh
- Eulalia (אוּלַאלִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: yoo-LAH-lee-yah
- Meaning: Sweetly Speaking, Well-Spoken
- Galit (גָּלִית)
- Pronunciation: gah-LEET
- Meaning: Fountain
- Gisse (גִּיסָה)
- Pronunciation: GEE-sah
- Meaning: Bridge
- Idit (עִדִית)
- Pronunciation: ee-DEET
- Meaning: Beloved, Friend
- Iska (עִסְקָא)
- Pronunciation: IS-kah
- Meaning: Business
- Kelila (קְלִילָה)
- Pronunciation: ke-lee-LAH
- Meaning: Crown, Laurel
- Ofira (עֳפִירָה)
- Pronunciation: oh-FEE-rah
- Meaning: Gold
- Pninah (פְּנִינָה)
- Pronunciation: p’nee-NAH
- Meaning: Pearl
- Rivka (רִבְקָה)
- Pronunciation: RIV-kah
- Meaning: Captivating, Snare
- Tema (תֵּמָה)
- Pronunciation: TEH-mah
- Meaning: Perfect, Complete
- Tovah (טוֹבָה)
- Pronunciation: toh-VAH
- Meaning: Good
- Zera (זֵרַע)
- Pronunciation: ZEH-rah
- Meaning: Seed, Offspring
Discover More: 138 Unique Hebrew Names with Meanings: For Boys, Girls, Unisex
Cute Hebrew Baby Girl Names

Discover some cute Hebrew names for baby girls, including their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Adi (עֲדִי)
- Pronunciation: AH-dee
- Meaning: Jewel or Ornament
- Aviv (אֲבִיב)
- Pronunciation: ah-VEEV
- Meaning: Spring
- Bree (בְרִי)
- Pronunciation: BREE
- Meaning: My Creation
- Dalit (דָּלִית)
- Pronunciation: dah-LEET
- Meaning: Delicate, Tender
- Dana (דָּנָה)
- Pronunciation: DAH-nah
- Meaning: God has Judged
- Dara (דָּרָה)
- Pronunciation: DAH-rah
- Meaning: Pearl of Wisdom
- Ela (אֵלָה)
- Pronunciation: EH-lah
- Meaning: Oak Tree
- Ora (אוֹרָה)
- Pronunciation: oh-RAH
- Meaning: Light
- Orly (אוֹרְלִי)
- Pronunciation: OR-lee
- Meaning: My Light
- Orna (אוֹרְנָה)
- Pronunciation: OR-nah
- Meaning: Pine Tree
- Roni (רוֹנִי)
- Pronunciation: ROH-nee
- Meaning: Joyful Song
- Shani (שָׁנִי)
- Pronunciation: SHAH-nee
- Meaning: Scarlet, Red
- Shay (שֵׁי)
- Pronunciation: SHAY
- Meaning: Gift
- Tia (טִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: TEE-ah
- Meaning: Aunt
- Yael (יָעֵל)
- Pronunciation: YAH-ehl
- Meaning: Ibex
- Zia (זִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: ZEE-ah
- Meaning: Light
Beautiful Hebrew Baby Girl Names

Discover some beautiful Hebrew names for baby girls, including their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Ayelet (אַיֶּלֶת)
- Pronunciation: ah-yeh-LET
- Meaning: Gazelle
- Hadara (הֲדַרָה)
- Pronunciation: hah-dah-RAH
- Meaning: Splendor, Beauty
- Liyana (לִיָּנָה)
- Pronunciation: lee-YAH-nah
- Meaning: Tender, Soft
- Naama (נַעֲמָה)
- Pronunciation: nah-ah-MAH
- Meaning: Pleasantness, Sweetness
- Naamah (נַעֲמָה)
- Pronunciation: nah-ah-MAH
- Meaning: Delightful, Pleasant
- Nevo (נְבוֹ)
- Pronunciation: NEH-voh
- Meaning: Oasis, Fruitful Land
- Noy (נוֹי)
- Pronunciation: NOY
- Meaning: Beauty, Grace
- Noya (נוֹיָה)
- Pronunciation: no-YAH
- Meaning: Divine Beauty
- Pe’er (פְּאֵר)
- Pronunciation: peh-AIR
- Meaning: Splendor, Beauty
- Shaina (שַׁיְנָא)
- Pronunciation: SHY-nah
- Meaning: Beautiful
- Shifra (שִׁפְרָה)
- Pronunciation: SHEEF-rah
- Meaning: Beautiful, Fair
- Yefet (יֶפֶת)
- Pronunciation: yeh-FET
- Meaning: Handsome, Beautiful
- Yifat (יִפְעָת)
- Pronunciation: yif-AHT
- Meaning: Beauty, Attractiveness
Old-Fashioned Hebrew Baby Girl Names

Discover some old-fashioned Hebrew names for baby girls, including their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Abigail (אֲבִיגַיִל)
- Pronunciation: ah-bi-GAYL
- Meaning: Father’s Joy
- Deborah (דְּבוֹרָה)
- Pronunciation: DEH-voh-rah
- Meaning: Bee
- Delilah (דְּלִילָה)
- Pronunciation: de-LEE-lah
- Meaning: Delicate, Weak
- Dina (דִּינָה)
- Pronunciation: DEE-nah
- Meaning: Judged, Vindicated
- Esther (אֶסְתֵּר)
- Pronunciation: EHS-tehr
- Meaning: Star
- Hagar (הָגָר)
- Pronunciation: HA-gahr
- Meaning: Flight, Emigration
- Hannah (חַנָּה)
- Pronunciation: HAH-nah
- Meaning: Grace
- Jael (יָעֵל)
- Pronunciation: YAH-ehl
- Meaning: Ibex, Mountain Goat
- Judith (יְהוּדִית)
- Pronunciation: yeh-HOO-deet
- Meaning: Woman of Judea
- Leah (לֵאָה)
- Pronunciation: LAY-ah
- Meaning: Weary
- Michal (מִיכַל)
- Pronunciation: MEE-khahl
- Meaning: Who is Like God?
- Miriam (מִרְיָם)
- Pronunciation: meer-YAHM
- Meaning: Sea of Bitterness
- Naomi (נָעֳמִי)
- Pronunciation: nay-OH-mee
- Meaning: Pleasantness
- Orpah (עָרְפָּה)
- Pronunciation: OR-pah
- Meaning: Back of the Neck
- Rachel (רָחֵל)
- Pronunciation: rah-KHEHL
- Meaning: Ewe, Female Sheep
- Rebecca (רִבְקָה)
- Pronunciation: riv-KAH
- Meaning: Tied, Joined
- Ruth (רוּת)
- Pronunciation: rooth
- Meaning: Companion, Friendship
- Sarah (שָׂרָה)
- Pronunciation: SAH-rah
- Meaning: Princess
- Tamar (תָּמָר)
- Pronunciation: tah-MAHR
- Meaning: Date Palm
- Zipporah (צִפּוֹרָה)
- Pronunciation: zi-POR-ah
- Meaning: Bird
Hebrew Baby Boy Names
Most Popular Baby Boy Names in Israel

Discover the most popular baby boy names in Israel, complete with their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Aaron (אַהֲרֹן)
- Pronunciation: ah-ha-RONE
- Meaning: Exalted, Strong
- Abraham (אַבְרָהָם)
- Pronunciation: AHV-rah-hahm
- Meaning: Father of Many Nations
- Adam (אָדָם)
- Pronunciation: AH-dahm
- Meaning: Man, Humanity
- Ariel (אֲרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: ah-ree-AYL
- Meaning: Lion of God
- Baruch (בָּרוּךְ)
- Pronunciation: bah-ROOKH
- Meaning: Blessed
- Benjamin (בִּנְיָמִין)
- Pronunciation: bin-yah-MEEN
- Meaning: Son of the Right Hand
- Caleb (כָּלֵב)
- Pronunciation: KAH-lehv
- Meaning: Faithful, Wholehearted
- Daniel (דָּנִיֵּאל)
- Pronunciation: dah-nee-YEHL
- Meaning: God is My Judge
- David (דָּוִד)
- Pronunciation: dah-VEED
- Meaning: Beloved
- Ezekiel (יְחֶזְקֵאל)
- Pronunciation: yeh-khez-KAYL
- Meaning: God Strengthens
- Ezra (עֶזְרָא)
- Pronunciation: EH-zrah
- Meaning: Help, Helper
- Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: gahv-ree-AYL
- Meaning: God is My Strength
- Haim (חַיִּים)
- Pronunciation: khah-YEEM
- Meaning: Life
- Jacob (יַעֲקֹב)
- Pronunciation: yah-ah-KOHV
- Meaning: Supplanter, Heel Grabber
- Jonah (יוֹנָה)
- Pronunciation: YOH-nah
- Meaning: Dove, Peaceful
- Judah (יְהוּדָה)
- Pronunciation: yeh-hoo-DAH
- Meaning: Praised
- Lior (לִיאוֹר)
- Pronunciation: lee-OHR
- Meaning: My Light
- Noah (נֹחַ)
- Pronunciation: NO-ah
- Meaning: Rest, Comfort
- Oren (אוֹרֵן)
- Pronunciation: oh-REN
- Meaning: Pine Tree
- Rafael (רָפָאֵל)
- Pronunciation: rah-fah-AYL
- Meaning: God has Healed
- Samuel (שְׁמוּאֵל)
- Pronunciation: sh’moo-AYL
- Meaning: Heard by God
- Simon (שִׁמְעוֹן)
- Pronunciation: sheem-OHN
- Meaning: God has Heard
- Solomon (שְׁלֹמֹה)
- Pronunciation: sh’LOH-moh
- Meaning: Peaceful
- Tobias (טוֹבִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: toh-bee-YAH
- Meaning: God is Good
- Tohar (טוֹהַר)
- Pronunciation: toh-HAHR
- Meaning: Purity, Cleanliness
- Uri (אוּרִי)
- Pronunciation: OO-ree
- Meaning: My Light
- Yahav (יַהַב)
- Pronunciation: yah-HAHV
- Meaning: Beloved
- Yair (יָאִיר)
- Pronunciation: YIE-ər
- Meaning: He will Enlighten
- Zohar (זֹהַר)
- Pronunciation: ZOH-hahr
- Meaning: Radiance, Light
Discover More: 200+ Most Popular Israeli Names with Meanings
Unique Hebrew Baby Boy Names

Discover some unique Hebrew names for baby boys, including their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Afik (אֲפִיק)
- Pronunciation: AH-feek
- Meaning: Horizon
- Amiel (עַמִּיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: AH-mee-ehl
- Meaning: People of God
- Ari (אֲרִי)
- Pronunciation: AH-ree
- Meaning: Lion
- Azriel (עֲזְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: AZ-ree-el
- Meaning: God is My Help
- Be’eri (בְּאֵרִי)
- Pronunciation: BAY-uh-ree
- Meaning: My Well
- Dagan (דָגָן)
- Pronunciation: DAH-gahn
- Meaning: Grain, Corn
- Eilam (אֵילָם)
- Pronunciation: EY-lahm
- Meaning: Eternal
- Eli (אֵלִי)
- Pronunciation: EE-lee
- Meaning: Ascension
- Ezra (עֶזְרָא)
- Pronunciation: EZ-rah
- Meaning: Help, Aid
- Geva (גֶּבַע)
- Pronunciation: GEH-vah
- Meaning: Hill
- Hadar (הָדָר)
- Pronunciation: HAH-dahr
- Meaning: Splendor
- Hillel (הִלֵּל)
- Pronunciation: HEE-lel
- Meaning: Praise
- Idan (עִידָן)
- Pronunciation: EE-dahn
- Meaning: Era, Time
- Itai (אִיתַי)
- Pronunciation: EE-tie
- Meaning: With Me
- Jethro (יִתְרוֹ)
- Pronunciation: JETH-roh
- Meaning: Abundance
- Lemuel (לְמוּאֵל)
- Pronunciation: LEH-myoo-el
- Meaning: Devoted to God
- Lotan (לוֹטָן)
- Pronunciation: LOH-tahn
- Meaning: Covering, Veil
- Magen (מָגֵן)
- Pronunciation: MAH-gehn
- Meaning: Shield
- Rakefet (רַקֶּפֶת)
- Pronunciation: rah-keh-FET
- Meaning: Cyclamen Flower
- Rami (רָמִי)
- Pronunciation: RAH-mee
- Meaning: High, Lofty
- Raviv (רָבִיב)
- Pronunciation: rah-VEEV
- Meaning: Spring
- Regev (רֶגֶב)
- Pronunciation: REH-gehv
- Meaning: Pride, Exaltation
- Shahar (שַׁחַר)
- Pronunciation: SHAH-hahr
- Meaning: Dawn
- Yahel (יָהֵל)
- Pronunciation: YAH-hel
- Meaning: Light of God
- Yoel (יוֹאֵל)
- Pronunciation: YOH-ehl
- Meaning: Yahweh is God
- Zemer (זֶמֶר)
- Pronunciation: ZEH-mehr
- Meaning: Song, Melody
- Zuph (צוּף)
- Pronunciation: ZUHF
- Meaning: Overflowing, Abundant
Cute Hebrew Baby Boy Names

Discover some cute Hebrew names for baby boys, including their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Abel (הֶבֶל)
- Pronunciation: AY-bəl
- Meaning: Breath, Vanity
- Adir (אַדִּיר)
- Pronunciation: ah-DEER
- Meaning: Mighty, Noble
- Adriel (עַדְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: ad-ree-EL
- Meaning: Flock of God
- Alon (אַלּוֹן)
- Pronunciation: ah-LONE
- Meaning: Oak Tree
- Ari (אֲרִי)
- Pronunciation: AH-ree
- Meaning: Lion
- Asa (אָסָא)
- Pronunciation: AH-sah
- Meaning: Healer, Physician
- Asaf (אָסָף)
- Pronunciation: AH-sahf
- Meaning: Gatherer, Collector
- Boaz (בֹּעַז)
- Pronunciation: boh-AHZ
- Meaning: Swiftness, Strength
- Chaim (חַיִּים)
- Pronunciation: khah-YEEM
- Meaning: Life
- Erez (אֶרֶז)
- Pronunciation: EH-rehz
- Meaning: Cedar Tree
- Gal (גַּל)
- Pronunciation: GAHL
- Meaning: Wave
- Joel (יוֹאֵל)
- Pronunciation: YOH-ehl
- Meaning: Yahweh is God
- Lev (לֵב)
- Pronunciation: LEHV
- Meaning: Heart
- Noa (נוֹעָה)
- Pronunciation: NOH-ah
- Meaning: Motion, Movement
- Ofri (עֹפְרִי)
- Pronunciation: OH-free
- Meaning: Fawn
- Omri (עָמְרִי)
- Pronunciation: ohm-REE
- Meaning: My Sheaf (like a bundle of grain)
- Rafael (רָפָאֵל)
- Pronunciation: rah-fah-EL
- Meaning: God has Healed
- Ron (רוֹן)
- Pronunciation: RONE
- Meaning: Song, Joy
- Zev (זְאֵב)
- Pronunciation: ZEHV
- Meaning: Wolf
Beautiful Hebrew Baby Boy Names

Discover some beautiful Hebrew names for baby boys, including their Hebrew spelling, pronunciation, and meaning:
- Chaim (חַיִּים)
- Pronunciation: khah-YEEM
- Meaning: Life, Life-Giving; symbolizes vitality and attractiveness
- Chen (חֵן)
- Pronunciation: kheyn
- Meaning: Grace, Charm; often used to describe someone attractive
- Na’im (נָעִים)
- Pronunciation: nah-EEM
- Meaning: Pleasant, Lovely
- Navon (נָבוֹן)
- Pronunciation: nah-VON
- Meaning: Understanding, Intelligent; associated with charm and attractiveness
- Tal (טַל)
- Pronunciation: tahl
- Meaning: Dew; symbolizes freshness and attractiveness
- Tov (טוֹב)
- Pronunciation: tohv
- Meaning: Good, Good-Looking
- Ya’ar (יַעַר)
- Pronunciation: yah-AHR
- Meaning: Handsome
- Yafe (יָפֶה)
- Pronunciation: yah-FEH
- Meaning: Beautiful, Handsome
- Yafit (יָפִית)
- Pronunciation: yah-FEET
- Meaning: Beautiful, Pretty
- Yofi (יֹופִי)
- Pronunciation: yo-FEE
- Meaning: Beauty, Handsomeness
Old-Fashioned Hebrew Baby Boy Names

Explore old-fashioned Hebrew baby boy names, each with its Hebrew spelling, pronunciation and meaning:
- Abraham (אַבְרָהָם)
- Pronunciation: AHV-rah-hahm
- Meaning: Father of Multitudes; symbolizes strength and leadership
- Baruch (בָּרוּךְ)
- Pronunciation: bah-ROOKH
- Meaning: Blessed; denotes good fortune and favor
- Benjamin (בִּנְיָמִין)
- Pronunciation: bin-yah-MEEN
- Meaning: Son of the Right Hand; associated with strength and protection
- Eleazar (אֶלְעָזָר)
- Pronunciation: el-eh-AZ-ar
- Meaning: God is my Help; signifies divine assistance and support
- Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: gahv-ree-AYL
- Meaning: God is my Strength; represents divine communication and guidance
- Gideon (גִּדְעוֹן)
- Pronunciation: gid-DAY-uhn
- Meaning: Feller, Hewer; denotes strength and bravery
- Ishmael (יִשְׁמָעֵאל)
- Pronunciation: eesh-mah-AYL
- Meaning: God Hears; symbolizes divine attention and mercy
- Metatron (מֶטָטְרוֹן)
- Pronunciation: meh-tah-TRONE
- Meaning: Angelic Scribe; associated with divine revelation and wisdom
- Michael (מִיכָאֵל)
- Pronunciation: mee-kah-AYL
- Meaning: Who is Like God?; represents divine protection and strength
- Mordechai (מָרְדֳּכַי)
- Pronunciation: mor-de-KHAI
- Meaning: Warrior, Servant of Marduk; symbolizes courage and loyalty
- Nahum (נַחוּם)
- Pronunciation: nah-KHOOM
- Meaning: Comforter; denotes solace and reassurance
- Obadiah (עֹבַדְיָה)
- Pronunciation: oh-bad-DYAH
- Meaning: Servant of God; signifies devotion and obedience
- Reuben (רְאוּבֵן)
- Pronunciation: reh-oo-VAYN
- Meaning: Behold, a Son!; symbolizes joy and blessing
- Simon (שִׁמְעוֹן)
- Pronunciation: sheem-OHN
- Meaning: Heard; denotes divine attention and responsiveness
- Tobias (טוֹבִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: toh-bee-YAH
- Meaning: God is Good; symbolizes divine benevolence and favor
- Tzaphkiel (צָפְקִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: tzaf-kee-AYL
- Meaning: Archangel of Binah; associated with divine wisdom and understanding
- Uriah (אוּרִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: oo-REE-yah
- Meaning: God is My Light; symbolizes divine illumination and guidance
- Uriel (אוּרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: oo-ree-AYL
- Meaning: God is My Light; represents divine enlightenment and wisdom
- Yaakov (יַעֲקֹב)
- Pronunciation: yah-ah-KOV
- Meaning: Supplanter; denotes strength and perseverance
- Yehuda (יְהוּדָה)
- Pronunciation: ye-hoo-DAH
- Meaning: Praise; symbolizes gratitude and acknowledgment
- Yosef (יוֹסֵף)
- Pronunciation: yoh-SEF
- Meaning: God will Increase; represents divine blessing and abundance
- Zadkiel (צַדְקִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: zad-kee-AYL
- Meaning: Righteousness of God; symbolizes divine justice and integrity
Hebrew Gender-Neutral Names

Explore Hebrew gender-neutral names, each with its pronunciation and versatile appeal:
- Adi (עֲדִי)
- Pronunciation: AH-dee
- Meaning: Jewel or Ornament
- Ariel (אֲרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: ah-ree-EL
- Meaning: Lion of God
- Aviv (אָבִיב)
- Pronunciation: ah-VEEV
- Meaning: Springtime; symbolizes renewal and freshness
- Carmel (כַּרְמֶל)
- Pronunciation: kar-MEL
- Meaning: Vineyard; denotes fertility and abundance
- Dor (דּוֹר)
- Pronunciation: dore
- Meaning: Generation; symbolizes continuity and legacy
- Eden (עֵדֶן)
- Pronunciation: AY-den
- Meaning: Delight, Paradise; represents beauty and tranquility
- Gil (גִּיל)
- Pronunciation: geel
- Meaning: Joy, Gladness; denotes happiness and celebration
- Hadar (הָדָר)
- Pronunciation: ha-DAR
- Meaning: Splendor, Glory; symbolizes beauty and magnificence
- Inbar (עִנְבָּר)
- Pronunciation: een-BAR
- Meaning: Amber; represents beauty and uniqueness
- Lior (לִיאוֹר)
- Pronunciation: lee-OR
- Meaning: My Light; symbolizes illumination and guidance
- Liv (לִיוֹ)
- Pronunciation: leev
- Meaning: Heart; denotes vitality and passion
- Maayan (מַעְיָן)
- Pronunciation: mah-AH-yan
- Meaning: Spring, Fountain; symbolizes life and abundance
- Niv (נִיב)
- Pronunciation: neev
- Meaning: Sprout, Growth; represents new beginnings and growth
- Noam (נֹעַם)
- Pronunciation: NO-am
- Meaning: Pleasantness, Charm; symbolizes grace and attractiveness
- Omri (עָמְרִי)
- Pronunciation: OHM-ree
- Meaning: My Sheaf, My Bundle; denotes strength and unity
- Ophri (עָפְרִי)
- Pronunciation: ohf-REE
- Meaning: Fawn; symbolizes grace and gentleness
- Ori/Uri (אוֹרִי)
- Pronunciation: OR-ee
- Meaning: My Light; represents illumination and guidance
- Raphael (רָפָאֵל)
- Pronunciation: rah-fah-EL
- Meaning: God Heals; denotes divine healing and protection
- Ray (רֵי)
- Pronunciation: RAY
- Meaning: Friend; symbolizes companionship and loyalty
- Shai (שַׁי)
- Pronunciation: SHAY
- Meaning: Gift; represents blessing and generosity
- Sol (שׁוּל)
- Pronunciation: sole
- Meaning: Peace, Tranquility; symbolizes calmness and serenity
- Tal (טַל)
- Pronunciation: TAL
- Meaning: Dew; symbolizes freshness and purity
- Yuval (יוּבָל)
- Pronunciation: YOO-val
- Meaning: Stream, Brook; denotes vitality and flow
- Ziv (זִיו)
- Pronunciation: zeve
- Meaning: Radiance, Brightness; represents light and brilliance
- Zohar (זֹהַר)
- Pronunciation: ZO-har
- Meaning: Radiance, Light; symbolizes illumination and clarity
Discover More: 300+ Gender Neutral Hebrew Names and Meanings
Colorful Hebrew Baby Names

Here are some Hebrew names related to colors, perfect for adding a splash of brightness and significance to your child’s identity:
- Adom (אָדוֹם)
- Pronunciation: ah-DOHM
- Meaning: Red; symbolizes the vibrant color red.
- Kahol (כָּחוֹל)
- Pronunciation: kah-KHOLE
- Meaning: Blue; represents the serene color blue.
- Yarok (יָרוֹק)
- Pronunciation: yah-ROKE
- Meaning: Green; symbolizes the lush greenery of nature.
- Katom (כָּתוֹם)
- Pronunciation: kah-TOHM
- Meaning: Orange; denotes the warm color orange.
- Sagol (סָגוֹל)
- Pronunciation: sah-GOLE
- Meaning: Purple; represents the majestic color purple.
- Shahor (שָׁחוֹר)
- Pronunciation: shah-KHORE
- Meaning: Black; symbolizes the deep color black.
- Tzahov (צָהוֹב)
- Pronunciation: tzah-HOVE
- Meaning: Yellow; represents the bright color yellow.
- Argaman (אַרְגָּמָן)
- Pronunciation: ar-gah-MAHN
- Meaning: Crimson; denotes the rich color crimson.
- Katit (כָּתִית)
- Pronunciation: kah-TEET
- Meaning: Olive; symbolizes the subtle color olive.
- Cham (חָם)
- Pronunciation: khahm
- Meaning: Brown; represents the warm color brown.
- Chahalom (חָלוֹם)
- Pronunciation: khah-LOHM
- Meaning: Dreamy; symbolizes a range of colors and the imaginative world of dreams.
- Tzivon (צִבּוֹן)
- Pronunciation: tzee-VOHN
- Meaning: Azure; represents the vivid color azure.
- Yarak (יָרָק)
- Pronunciation: yah-RAHK
- Meaning: Verdant; symbolizes the lush green shades of nature.
- Admoni (אַדְמוֹנִי)
- Pronunciation: ad-moh-NEE
- Meaning: Scarlet; denotes the intense color scarlet.
- Tzahal (צַהַל)
- Pronunciation: tzah-HAHL
- Meaning: Saffron; represents the warm and vibrant color saffron.