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260+ Hebrew Names That Mean Gift From God

260+ Hebrew Names That Mean Gift From God

Looking for a name that means “blessing” or “gift from God”? Our guide to “Hebrew Names That Mean Gift From God” is here to help you find the perfect name for your little miracle.

Whether you’re blessed with a girl, a boy, or want a gender-neutral name, we’ve got beautiful Hebrew options that express gratitude and joy. These names not only sound lovely but also carry deep meanings that reflect the precious gift of life.

Let’s discover a name that celebrates the special blessing your child is to you and your family!

Hebrew Names That Mean Gift from God for Girls

Names (with Hebrew Spelling)Meaning
Abijah (אֲבִיָּה)God Is My Father
Amari (אֲמָרִי)A Miracle From God, Special Gift
Asnat (אָסְנַת)God Gifted
Avia (אֲבִיהָ)God Is My Father
Azzaria (עֲזַרְיָה)Gift Of God
Chavala (חַוָלָה)Gift Of Life
Dalia (דַּלְיָה)God’s Gift
Dodey/DodiGift Of God, Well Loved
Doria (דוֹרִיָּה)Gift, From Doris, Gift From God
Doriel (דוֹרִיְאֵל)Gift
Dorit (דּוֹרִית)Gift Of God
Doron (דּוֹרוֹן)Gift
Doryn (דּוֹרִין)Gift
Eliana (אֶלְיָנָה)God Has Answered
Elisha (אֱלִישָׁע)God Is My Salvation
Elkana (אֱלְקָנָה)God Bought
Eniyah (עֵנִיָּה)Better Looking, Gift Of God
Erela (אֶרֶלָה)Angel
Farheen (פַּרְהִין)God Gifted, Great, Happy
Gabrielle (גַּבְרִיאֵל)God Is My Strength
Galina (גַּלִינָה)God Shall Redeem
Giovanna (גִ׳יוֹוַנָּה)Gracious Gift From God, God, Lord
Hadaya (הֲדַיָּה)Gift, Present
Hansy (הַנְסִי)Gift Of God, Beauty
Hayah (חַיָּה)Life, Gift Of God
Heba/Hiba (هبة)The Gift, Blessing Of God
Iva (אִוָּה)Gift From God
Ivaana/Ivana (אִוָּנָה)Beautiful, Gift From God
Ivane (אִוַנֶה)Gift From God
Ivy (עִוִי)God’s Gift
Jaantje (יַנטְיֶה)Gift From God
Jaina (יָינָה)The Lord Is Gracious, Jehovah Has
Jaine/Jane (ג׳יין)Gift From God
Janet/Janette/JeannetteGod Has Been Gracious, Gift From God
Janice/Janis (ג׳ייניס)God’s Gracious Gift
Janina (יאנינה)God’s Gracious Gift, Well-Born
Janine (ג׳יינין)Gift From God, Merciful, The Lord
Janita (יאניטה)Gift From God, God Is Merciful
Janna (ג׳נה)Gift From God
Jans (ג׳אנס)Gift From God
Jenda (ג׳נדה)Gift From God
Jensine (ינסין)God Has Blessed
Jess (ג׳ס)The Lord Is Gracious, God Sees
Jessabelle (ג׳סאבל)Gift From God
Joanna (יוֹאַנָה)God Is Gracious, Merciful, Gift
Joelle (יוֹאֵל)God Is Willing
Joetta (יוֹאֵטָה)God Is Gracious, Merciful, God
Johnelle (יוֹנֵל)Gift Of God, Modern Female Version
Johnetta (יוֹנֵטָה)Gift Of God, God Is Gracious
Jonisha (יוֹנִישָׁה)Gift Of God, Yahweh, God, Yahweh
Juana (חואנה)Gift From God, A Flower
Liza (לִיזָה)Oath Of God, Or God Is Satisfaction
Mahira (מָהִירָה)Superemely Talented, Gifted
Mana (מָנָה)Supernatural Power, Love, Alike
Mariama (מָרִימָה)Gift Of God
Matai (מַתַּי)Gift From God
Matana (מַתַּנָה)Present, Gift
Mataya (מַתַּיָה)Gift Of Yahweh
Matisyahu (מַתִּתְיָהוּ)Gift Of God (Hebrew variant of Matthew)
Misha (מִישָׁה)Gift of God
Michal (מִיכַל)Who Is Like God
Michon (מִיכוֹן)Gift From God
Mika (מִיכָה)Like God, Gift From God, Beautiful
Misi (מִיסִי)Gift From God
Miska (מִיסקָה)Gift From God, One Who Is Like God
Natanel (נְתַנְאֵל)Gift from God (Hebrew variant of Nathaniel)
Nathanael (נָתַנְאֵל)Gift of God, God has given
Nathaniel (נְתַנְאֵל)Gift of God, Given by God, God has given
Netanya (נְתַנְיָה)God’s Gift
Ohanna (אוֹחַנָה)God’s Gracious Gift
Sabira (סָבִירָה)Patient, Tolerant, God Gift
Seana (שֵׁינָה)Gift From God, The Lord Is
Shai (שַׁי)Gift, Beautiful
Shaili (שַׁאילִי)My Gift
Shaina (שֵׁיינָה)Beautiful
Shaya (שַׁיָה)Salvation Of God, Gift Of God
Shilo (שִׁילוֹ)God’s Gift
Talia (טַלְיָה)Dew Of God
Tiia (טִיאָה)Gift Of God
Ushria (אוּשְׁרִיה)Blessed By Yahweh
Yana (יַאנָה)God Gifted, Precious To God
Yanira (יַנִירָה)Gift From God
Yanni (יַנִי)Gift Of God
Yocheved (יוֹכֶבֶד)God’s Glory
Ysabel (יְסָבֶל)God Is My Oath
Zaneta (זָנֶטָה)God’s Gracious Gift
Zanna (זַנָה)God’s Gift, Diminutive Of Susanna
Zevida (זְבִידָה)Gift
Zhavia (זְהַבִיָה)Gift From God, Living Water

Hebrew Names That Mean Gift from God for Boys

Names (with Hebrew Spelling)Meaning
Abdiel (עֲבְדִיאֵל)Servant Of God
Abisai (אַבִּישַׁי)Gift Of God, Valiant
Ataya (עֲטָיָה)Gifts, Presents, God Helps
Avishai/Avshai (אַבִּישַׁי)Gift From God
Azriel (עַזְרִיאֵל)God’s Help
Baruch (בָּרוּךְ)Blessed
Bogdan (בּוֹגדַן)God Has Rendered, Gift From God
Bohdan (בּוֹהדַן)Gift From God, God’s Gift, Proud
Daniel (דָּנִיֵּאל)God Is My Judge
Eliya (אֵלִיָּה)My God Is Yahweh, Lord Is My God
Elliott (אֵלִיּוֹט)Jehovah Is God
Emmanuel (עִמָּנוּאֵל)God Is With Us
Eoin (אוֹוֶין)God Is Merciful, Gracious
Esrom (עֶצְרוֹם)Gift Of God
Gabriel (גַבְרִיאֵל)God Is My Strength
Giancarlo (ג’יאנקרלו)God Is Merciful, God’s Gracious
Giannes (גִ’יאנֶס)Gift From God, Lord Is Gracious
Giovanni (ג’יאווני)God Is Merciful, Gift From God
Hananeel (חֲנַנְאֵל)God Graciously Gave
Hananiah (חֲנַנְיָה)Grace, Mercy, Gift Of The Lord
Haniel (חַנִּיאֵל)Grace, Glory Of God, Gift Of God
Hanno (חַנּוֹ)Gift From God
Hans (הַנס)Swan, God Is Gracious, Merciful
Hansel (הַנסֶל)Gift From God
Honza (הונזה)Gift From God, God Is Merciful
Iain (אֵיין)God’s Gracious Gift, Gift From God
Ian (אִיאַן)God Is Merciful, Gracious, Gift
Ioan (יוֹאַן)Gift From God, God Is Gracious
Ionnes (יוֹאַנֶס)Gift From God
Isaiah (יְשַׁעְיָהוּ)Salvation Of God
Ishai (יִשַׁי)Gift, Wealthy
Israel (יִשְׂרָאֵל)Wrestles With God
Ivan (אִיוַּן)Archer, Gift Of God
Iwan (אִיוַּן)Welsh Form Of John, Gift Of God
Jaen (ג’יין)Gift Or Grace Of God
Janathan (ג’נַתָן)Gift Of Yahweh, Yahweh Has Given
Janie (ג’נֶי)Gift From God
Jankia (ג’אנקִיה)Gift From God
Janko (ג’נקו)Gift From God
Jannes (ג’נֶס)The Lord Is Gracious, Gift From God
Jared (יָרֶד)Blessing
Jeannot (ז’יאנו)Gift From God, Lord Is Gracious
Jebadiah (ג’בַדְיָה)Beloved Of The Lord
Jedidiah (יְדִידְיָה)Friend, Beloved Of God
Jef (ג’ף)God Raises, Gift Of Peace
Jenda (ינדה)Gift From God
Jens (ינס)The Lord Is Gracious, Gracious
Jeroham (ג’רוחַם)Blessed
Jerrick (ג’ריק)Fragrant City, Strong, Gifted
Jesie (ג’סי)God’s Gift
Jesmar (ג’סמאר)God’s Gift
Jesse (יִשַׁי)God’s Gift, Wealthy, Lord Exists
Jesy (ג’סי)God’s Gift
Jhonathan (יוֹנָתָן)Gift Of Yahweh, Yahweh Has Given
Joa (יוֹאַה)Name Of God, God’s Gracious Gift
Joen (יוֹאֵן)God Is Gracious
Johan/Johann (יוֹחָנָן)Gift Of God, Leader Of Army
John/Jon (יוֹחָנָן)God Is Merciful, Gift Of God
Jona (יוֹנָה)God Has Given, Gift Of God, Dove
Jonam (יוֹנָם)Gift From God, God Gave
Jonatan (יוֹנָתָן)Gift From God, God Has Given
Jonatha (יוֹנָתָן)Gift Of Yahweh, Yahweh Has Given
Jonathan/Jonathen/Jonathon/Jonnathan/Jonthan (יוֹנָתָן)God Has Given
Jonny (יוֹנִי)God Has Given, Gift Of God, God Is
Joram (יוֹרָם)Supreme Or High God Or Elevated
Joseph (יוֹסֵף)To Add, Or God Will Increase
Joshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ)God Is Salvation
Jozsi (יוֹזְסִי)God Raises, God’s Gracious Gift
Juanito (חוּאנִי)The Lord Is Gracious
Juha (יוּהַ)Gift From God, God Is Gracious
Jukka (יוּקַה)God Is Gracious, Merciful, Gift
Jussi (יוּסִי)God Is Merciful, Gift From God
Kaythan (קַיְתָן)Gift, Feelings Of Love
Machau (מָכַאוּ)Gift From God
Macian (מַכִיַאן)Gift Of God
Maciej (מַכִיי)God’s Present, Gift Of God
Maichail (מַיְכַאיל)Gift From God
Maithias/Maitias (מַיְתִיַאס)Gift Of God
Maitiu (מַיְתְיוּ)Gift Of God
Makis (מַקִיס)Gift From God
Malachi (מַלְאָכִי)Messenger Of God
Manuel (מָנוּאֵל)God Is With Us
Mata (מַטָא)Crops Field, Honoured, God’s Gift
Matai (מַטָי)Gift Of God
Matan (מַתָּן)Gift
Matanya (מַתַנְיָה)God’s Gift
Matatias (מַטַתְיָה)Gift Of God
Mathew/Mathieu (מַתְיוּ/מַתְיֵאו)Gift Of The Lord, A Legend Person
Mathian (מַתִייַאן)Gift Of The Lord
Mathian (מַתִייַאן)Gift Of Yahweh
Mathieson (מַתִיסוֹן)Gift Of Yahweh, Son Of Matthew
Mathijs (מַתִיס)Gift Of Yahweh
Mathis (מַתִיס)God’s Present, Gift Of God
Matteo (מַתֵּיאו)God’s Present, Gift Of The Lord
Matti (מַתִי)Gift Of God
Matvey (מַתְוֵי)God’s Gift, God Has Rewarded
Matyas (מַתְיַס)Gift From God, Given By God
Matyiko (מַתייקו)Gift Of Yahweh
Matz (מַצ)Gift From God
Mihaly (מִיחָאִי)Gift From God
Mikael/Michael (מִיכָאֵל)Gift From God, Like The Lord
Mikhos (מִיחוֹס)Gift From God, Like The Lord
Naithan (נַיְתָן)Gift
Natan (נָתָן)God Has Given, Prophet, Gift From God
Nataniel (נָתַנְאֵל)Gift From God, Given By God, God
Nate (נַתֵּן)Giver, Gift Of God, Form Of
Nathan (נָתָן)Protector, Master, Lord, Chief,
Nathaneal/Nathanial/Nathaniel (נָתַנְאֵל)Given By God, Gift Of God
Nathen/Natthan (נָתֵן)God Has Given, Gift Of God
Nathon (נָתוֹן)Gift From God, God Has Given, Gift
Nehemiah (נְחֶמְיָה)Comforted By God
Nethanel (נְתַנְאֵל)Gift From God
Osaze (עוֹשַׁז)Favored By God
Samuel (שְׁמוּאֵל)God Has Heard, Asked Of God
Seanan (שְׁאָנָן)Gift From God, Little Old Wise One
Shalit (שָׁלִית)God’s Gift, Thankful
Shane (שֵׁיין)Gift From God
Sinon (סִינוֹן)To Hurt, Gift From God
Tad (טַד)Gift Given By God, Praise, Heart
Tesher (תֶּשֶׁר)A Gift
Thaddeus (תַדֵיוּס)Praise Be To God
Tobiah (טוֹבִיָּה)God Is Good
Tobias (טוֹבִיָּה)God Is Good
Vanko (ואנקו)Gracious Gift, Lord Is Gracious
Yadon (יָדוֹן)God Is My Judge
Yanis (יַנִיס)God Is Merciful, Gift From God
Yanni (יַנִי)Form Of Yannis, Gift Of God
Yanton (יַנְטוֹן)Gift Of God
Yatniel (יַתְנִיאֵל)God’s Gift
Yehoash (יְהוֹאָשׁ)Gift From God
Yehonadov (יְהוֹנָדוֹב)Gift From God
Yehonatan (יְהוֹנָתָן)Gift Of Yahweh, Yahweh Has Given
Yishai (יִשַׁי)Gift, Father Of King David
Yochannah (יוֹחַנָה)Blessed By God
Yonatan (יוֹנָתָן)Given By God, Gift Of God
Zabdiel (זַבְדִיאֵל)Present, Gift
Zachariah (זְכַרְיָה)God Has Remembered
Zachary (זַכַרְי)God Has Remembered
Zanee (זַנִי)A Gift From God
Zebediah (זְבַדְיָה)God Lends, God’s Gift, God Has
Zechariah (זְכַרְיָה)Whom Jehovah Remembers
Zuriel (זוּרִיאֵל)God Is My Rock

Gender Neutral Hebrew Names That Mean Gift from God

Names (with Hebrew Spelling)Meaning
Abijah (אֲבִיָּה)The Lord is My Father, Gift of God
Abishal (אֲבִישָׁל)Gift Of God
Bracha (בְּרָכָה)A Blessing
Dodee (דוֹדִי)Gift of God, Well Loved
Dodie (דוֹדִי)Gift of God
Doran (דּוֹרָן)Gift
Doren (דּוֹרֶן)Gift
Eli (אֵלִי)Divine
Jesse (יִשַׁי)God’s Gift
Lishai (לִישַׁי)Gift
Mat (מַת)Gift Of God, Diminutive Of
Matti (מַתִּי)Yahweh’s
Micah (מִיכָה)Who Is Like God
Michal (מִיכַל)Who Is Like God
Michon (מִיכוֹן)Gift From God
Mika (מִיכָא)Like God, Gift From God, Beautiful
Misi (מִיסִי)Gift From God
Miska (מִיסְקָה)Gift From God, One Who Is Like God
Nathel (נָתֵל)Gift From God, God Has Given
Nathyn (נָתִין)Gift
Shai (שַׁי)Gift
Teos (תְּאוֹס)Gift Of God
Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ)God Saves
Yoel (יוֹאֵל)God Is Willing
Zab (זַב)Gift
Zanie (זָנִי)A Gift From God

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