120+ Hebrew Names That Mean Strong and Powerful

Looking for a name that’s as strong as a lion and as powerful as a storm? Our list of “Hebrew Names That Mean Strong and Powerful” is here to help you find just that.
Whether you’re welcoming a little boy, a little girl, or want a name that fits any child, we’ve picked out some powerful Hebrew names for you. These names aren’t just strong; they’re filled with history and meaning, perfect for your little hero.
Let’s find a name that’s ready to stand tall and proud, just like your baby will.
Table of Contents
Hebrew Names That Mean Strong and Powerful for Baby Boy

- Aahron (אַהֲרוֹן)
- Pronunciation: Ah-hah-ROHN
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength, Enlightened
- Aarin (אָהָרוֹן)
- Pronunciation: AH-ah-ROHN
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength
- Aaron (אַהֲרוֹן)
- Pronunciation: AH-ah-ROHN
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength, Exalted One
- Adir (אַדִיר)
- Pronunciation: Ah-DEER
- Meaning: Majestic Or Powerful
- Ahmik (אַחְמִיק)
- Pronunciation: AH-mik
- Meaning: Strength of God’s Flock
- Ahran (אַהְרָן)
- Pronunciation: AH-RAHN
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength, Enlightened
- Airen (אָהָרוֹן)
- Pronunciation: AH-ah-ROHN
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength, Enlightened
- Akeem (עֲקִים)
- Pronunciation: Ah-KEEM
- Meaning: Knowledgeable, Wise, Leader, Strong
- Amari (עַמָּרִי)
- Pronunciation: Ah-MAH-ree
- Meaning: Protector, Strength, Builder
- Arek (אַרֵךְ)
- Pronunciation: Ah-REHK
- Meaning: Lofty, Exalted, High Mountain
- Arin (אָרִין)
- Pronunciation: AH-reen
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength
- Armon (אַרְמוֹן)
- Pronunciation: AHR-mohn
- Meaning: Warrior, Strong
- Arren (אַרְרֶן)
- Pronunciation: AR-ren
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength, Enlightened
- Aryn (אָרִין)
- Pronunciation: AH-reen
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength, Enlightened
- Avniel (אַבְנִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Av-nee-EL
- Meaning: God is my Strength, Strong
- Ayren (אַיְרֶן)
- Pronunciation: AY-ren
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength, Enlightened
- Azai (עֲזַי)
- Pronunciation: AH-zai
- Meaning: Strength
- Azane (עֲזָנֶה)
- Pronunciation: Ah-ZAH-neh
- Meaning: Power, Strength
- Boaz (בֹּעַז)
- Pronunciation: BOH-az
- Meaning: Strong, Swiftness, Royal
- Esequiel (אֶסְקִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Eh-se-kee-EL
- Meaning: God Strengthens
- Ethan (אֵיתָן)
- Pronunciation: AY-than
- Meaning: Solid as a Rock
- Exequiel (אֶקֶסְקִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Ehk-se-kee-EL
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Eyal (אַיָּל)
- Pronunciation: EY-ahl
- Meaning: Strong
- Ezechiel/Ezekial/Ezekiel (אֶזְכִּיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Eh-zkee-EL
- Meaning: God Strengthens
- Eziequel (עֲזִיקֵאל)
- Pronunciation: Ah-zee-KEHL
- Meaning: Strength of God
- Gabbie/Gabe/Gabi/Gabie (גַּבִּי)
- Pronunciation: Gab-BEE
- Meaning: God is my Strength, Hero of God
- Gabor (גַּבּוֹר)
- Pronunciation: Gah-BOHR
- Meaning: God’s Bravest Man, Strong
- Gabriel/Gabriele (גַּבְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Gab-ree-EL
- Meaning: Christian, God is my Strength
- Gabriello (גַּבְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Gab-ree-EL
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Gavi (גַּבִּי)
- Pronunciation: Gah-VEE
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Gavriil (גַּבְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Gahv-ree-EEL
- Meaning: Strength from God
- Gideon (גִּדְעוֹן)
- Pronunciation: GID-ee-ən
- Meaning: Hewer or Great Warrior
- Harun (הָרוּן)
- Pronunciation: HAH-roon
- Meaning: Mountain of Strength, Messenger
- Hesekiel (חֶזְקִיָהוּ)
- Pronunciation: Heh-seh-kee-EE-l
- Meaning: God Will Strengthen
- Heskel (הֶזְקֵל)
- Pronunciation: HEHZ-kəl
- Meaning: God Strengthens, Wisdom
- Hezekiah (חִזְקִיָהוּ)
- Pronunciation: Heh-ze-KYE-ə
- Meaning: God Gives Strength
- Jachin (יָכִין)
- Pronunciation: YAH-keen
- Meaning: He that Strengthens and Makes
- Jared (יָרֶד)
- Pronunciation: YAH-red
- Meaning: One Who Rules
- Josiah (יוֹסִיָּהוּ)
- Pronunciation: jə-SYE-ə
- Meaning: Fire of the Lord
- Kaapro (קַפְרוֹ)
- Pronunciation: KAH-proh
- Meaning: Strength of God, Strong Man of God
- Matty (מַתִּי)
- Pronunciation: MAT-tee
- Meaning: Gift of the Lord, Strong in War
- Meir (מֵאִיר)
- Pronunciation: MAYR
- Meaning: One who Illuminates
- Otniel (עוֹתְנִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: OHT-nee-əl
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Ozias (עְזִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: OH-zee-əs
- Meaning: Strength from the Lord
- Riven (רִוְנוֹ)
- Pronunciation: REE-vehn
- Meaning: Having Courage, Strength and Beauty
- Sagiv (סָגִיב)
- Pronunciation: SAH-geev
- Meaning: Mighty, With Strength
- Samson (שִׁמְשׁוֹן)
- Pronunciation: SAM-sən
- Meaning: Renowned for Supernatural Strength
- Shem (שֵׁם)
- Pronunciation: SHEM
- Meaning: Strong and Powerful
- Uzi (עוּזִי)
- Pronunciation: OO-zee
- Meaning: Power, Strength
- Uzziah (עֻזִּיָּהוּ)
- Pronunciation: OOZ-ee-ə
- Meaning: God is my Power
- Yaedin (יַעְדִין)
- Pronunciation: yah-EH-deen
- Meaning: Strength, Masculinity
- Yael (יָעֵל)
- Pronunciation: YAH-el
- Meaning: God’s Strength, Mountain Goat
- Yechezkel (יְחֶזְקֵאל)
- Pronunciation: yeh-hez-KEHL
- Meaning: Strengthened by God
- Zaiden (זֵיְדֶן)
- Pronunciation: ZAYD-ən
- Meaning: Strength, Fiery
- Zeke (זְאֵק)
- Pronunciation: ZEEK
- Meaning: Strength of God
- Zuriel (צוּרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: ZOO-ree-əl
- Meaning: Rock, Strength of God
Hebrew Names That Mean Strong and Powerful for Baby Girl

- Adira (אֲדִירָה)
- Pronunciation: Ah-dee-RAH
- Meaning: Radiating Strength
- Arashel (אֲרַשְׁאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Ah-rah-SHEL
- Meaning: Strong, Protected Hill
- Arial (אַרְיָל)
- Pronunciation: Ar-yahl
- Meaning: Strength, Courage
- Ariella (אֲרִיאֵלָה)
- Pronunciation: Ah-ree-EL-ah
- Meaning: Lioness of God
- Avea (אֲבֵיעַ)
- Pronunciation: Ah-veh-AH
- Meaning: My God, My Father, Strength
- Brae (בְרֵה)
- Pronunciation: Bray
- Meaning: Strength
- Bray (בְרַי)
- Pronunciation: Bray
- Meaning: Strength, Force
- Breay (בְרֵי)
- Pronunciation: Bray
- Meaning: Force
- Briah (בְרִיאָה)
- Pronunciation: Bree-AH
- Meaning: Power, Strength, Force
- Briell (בְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Bree-ELL
- Meaning: Strength, Force, Power
- Britt (בְּרִיט)
- Pronunciation: Brit
- Meaning: Powerful, Strong, Strength, Power
- Bryelle (בְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Bree-ELL
- Meaning: Force, Power, Strength
- Edrei (אֶדְרֵעִי)
- Pronunciation: Ed-ray
- Meaning: A Woman of Great Strength
- Edria (אֶדְרִיָה)
- Pronunciation: Ed-ree-ah
- Meaning: Mighty, Powerful
- Efrat (אֶפְרָת)
- Pronunciation: Ef-raht
- Meaning: Honor and Esteemed Beauty
- Elath (אֶלַעת)
- Pronunciation: Eh-lath
- Meaning: Strength
- Etana (אֶתַנָה)
- Pronunciation: Eh-tah-nah
- Meaning: Strong One, Firm
- Ezrela (עֶזְרֶלָה)
- Pronunciation: Ez-reh-LAH
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Ezzie (עֶזִּי)
- Pronunciation: Ez-zee
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Gabbi/Gabi/Gaby (גַבִּי/גַבִּי/גַבִּי)
- Pronunciation: Gab-bi / Gab-bi / Gab-bi
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Gabriela (גַבְרִיאֶלָה)
- Pronunciation: Gav-ree-EL-ah
- Meaning: God’s Bravest Woman
- Gabriella/Gavriella (גַבְרִיאֵלָה/גַבְרִיאֵלָה)
- Pronunciation: Gav-ree-EL-ah
- Meaning: Strength Of God
- Gabrielle (גַבְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Gav-ree-ELL
- Meaning: God’s Bravest Woman
- Gabryel (גַבְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Gav-ree-EL
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Gabryella (גַבְרִיאֵלָה)
- Pronunciation: Gav-ree-EL-ah
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Gavrila (גַבְרִילָה)
- Pronunciation: Gav-ree-LAH
- Meaning: Heroine Of God, God Gives Strength
- Gaza (גָזָה)
- Pronunciation: GAH-zah
- Meaning: Having Great Strength, Strong
- Gevura (גְבוּרָה)
- Pronunciation: Geh-voo-RAH
- Meaning: Strength
- Gitte (גִּיטָה)
- Pronunciation: GIT-tah
- Meaning: Strength, Power, To Help, Exalted
- Hezer (חֶזֶר)
- Pronunciation: HEH-zer
- Meaning: A Woman of Great Strength
- Hezir/Hezyr (חֶזִּיר/חֶזִּיר)
- Pronunciation: HEH-zeer / HEH-zeer
- Meaning: A Woman of Great Strength
- Hezkiya (חֶזְקִיָּה)
- Pronunciation: Hez-kee-YAH
- Meaning: Strength of God
- Orzora (אוֹרְזוֹרָה)
- Pronunciation: Or-zoh-RAH
- Meaning: God’s Strength
- Ozni (עָזְנִי)
- Pronunciation: OZ-nee
- Meaning: My Strength
- Ozzie/Ozzy (עוֹזִי/עוֹזִי)
- Pronunciation: OHZ-ee / OHZ-ee
- Meaning: Strength
- Uzziye (עֻזִּיֶּה)
- Pronunciation: Oo-zee-YEH
- Meaning: God’s Strength
- Valeria (וָלֶרִיָה)
- Pronunciation: Val-eh-REE-ah
- Meaning: Strength, Health
- Yesmina (יְסְמִינָה)
- Pronunciation: Yes-mee-NAH
- Meaning: Strength
Gender Neutral Hebrew Names That Mean Strong and Powerful

- Aaren (אַהֲרֹן)
- Pronunciation: Ah-ha-RONE
- Meaning: Enlightened, Mountain of Strength
- Amal (עָמָל)
- Pronunciation: Ah-MAHL
- Meaning: Labor or Work
- Ariel (אֲרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Ah-ree-EL
- Meaning: Lion of God
- Azzai (עַזַּאי)
- Pronunciation: Ah-ZAH-ee
- Meaning: Strength
- Booz (בּוּעַז)
- Pronunciation: BOH-az
- Meaning: Strength
- Evan (אֵוָן)
- Pronunciation: EH-vahn
- Meaning: Enduring and Unbreakable Strength
- Gabriell (גַבְרִיאֵל)
- Pronunciation: Gav-ree-EL
- Meaning: God is my Strength
- Noam (נוֹעַם)
- Pronunciation: NOH-ahm
- Meaning: Pleasantness and Charm
- Oz (עוֹז)
- Pronunciation: OHZ
- Meaning: Strength
- Oza (עוֹזָא)
- Pronunciation: OHZ-ah
- Meaning: Strength
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